Our Respect-Life group at St Cecilia's is part of a larger, citywide group of pro-life citizens made up from each of the parishes in our town. We are a group that came together in prayer. Our activities not only include prayer and Adoration-for-Life at key times throughout the year, but we host guest speakers on various pro-life topics to help educate ourselves and the community. We organize a Mother’s Day Rose Drive every May and a Baby Bottle Drive to support mom’s in need. At Christmas-time, we do a Christmas Card Drive for our elderly confined to nursing homes.
We try to meet every other month, and have moved from parish to parish to have our meetings. Since the pandemic we have not had the opportunity to get together but we still stay in touch with email and try to stay aware of the topics that affect the pro-life community.
Our commitment is to the sanctity of human life, from conception to natural death. As such, we pray, but we also make our voices heard politically when legislation is introduced that threatens the sanctity of life. Sometimes the pro-life person can feel like they have a lonely existence, especially in a state like Massachusetts. We are here to let you know that you are not alone!
If you would like to be part of our group, we’d love to have you!
Please reach out to Marcie Allain at marcieallan@yahoo.com, Deacon Bob Connor at rsconnor@stceciliachurch.net, or call the Rectory.